Hello Folks,
You have all gained weight during confinement, it’s time to use “Culture Physique” to get some exercise! 😉
“Toutouyoutou…” (what ? Well…to understand clic on the link)
B.T.W, thanks a lot to two new generous donors Sascha and Olivier 😎 It’s always nice to see that the site is appreciated!
Assembler Editor – RXG 4003 is available at Atarinside 😉
This software was written in the 80’s by Kathleen O’Brien, for an unknown reason she wasn’t credited by Atari (like many others). Kathleen is also the wife of Paul Laughton who created Atari Basic and Atari DOS among other.
I take this opportunity to thank Laurent from http://www.atari800xl.eu for his Paypal donation to support the Atarinside website! 😎
Atarinside is a website that I support alone financially as well as the purchase of rare software that must be preserved.
There is no advertising to finance it because the objective is absolutely not to make money but only to preserve the heritage of software published in Europe by Atari.
So any help is welcome and really appreciated 🙂
“Editeur de son” is the french translation of “Sound editor” by ROBERT G. (aka “Bob”) SMITH.
As usual, this is the first time this program is preserved and it’s only at Atarinside 🙂
The french LOGO is now 100% complete with all the documentation digitized !
“Introduction à la programmation via le graphique tortue” is now available for the first time (146p).
Terminkalender – DXG 5047 is a new Atari Germany title at Atarinside !
Once again the rarest softwares published by Atari Germany is at your disposal for the 1st time !This is another victory for the preservation of European Atari software ! 😎