Word GO


Word GO - APX 20212D

Développez votre vocabulaire et améliorez votre orthographe
en anglais.
Rassemblez consonnes et suffixes pour former des mots.
Augmentez votre score en alignant quatre mots
horizontalement, verticalement ou en diagonale.
Vous hésitez sur un mot ? Demandez la définition pour vérifier
s’il existe.
Vous serez surpris de constater l’étendue de vote vocabulaire
(pour un ou deux joueurs à partir de 8 ans)

Developer : Greg L. Trush and Marian Dillashaw
Date : 1982 according to cover, booklet, floppy sticker and Basic sources, 05/31/83 according to DISKNAME.DAT on the Floppy.
Distributed by : P.E.C.F. ATARI 9-11 rue Georges Enesco 94008 Creteil Cedex but “Made in Germany”.
Dump : Download – Source Atarinside – .PRO format – Boot to Basic with the floppy inside your 1050.
Notes : 

You can find the author names in the basic source code : “REM REVISION 1.0–COPYRIGHT 1982 BY GREG L THRUSH AND MARIAN DILLASHAW”

But this is the version number in DISKNAME.DAT :

You’ll have to guess words in a dictionnary of 729 words. Howerver, it’s a bit buggy because there are sometimes no solutions.

There is an interresting interview with the authors by Kevin Savetz at The Atari 8-bit Podcast here: ANTIC #179. You’ll learn that they also wrote “Stock Management“.

There is an advertisement for WORD GO in L’Atarien N°3 on page 20.

Thanks @Rhod for the booklet scans 😎

Other translations : This game is in fact the exact original APX US game (with the same APX 20212 ref #) but…With a french box and a translated booklet.

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