Il computer traccia sul videoi contorni di un paese
europeo. Italia? Albania? Jugoslavia? A voi la riposta!
Come si chiama la capitale della Greccia, chiede il
Computer? Pireo, Salonicco? Errato! Atene. Attraverso
questo programma istruttico giovani e meno giovani
possono divertirsi ampliado le proprie connoscence nel
campo della geografia.
Developer : (Uncredited on the Italian release) J.Rued according to the US version (source Atarimania). Date : 1984 according to cover, floppy and may 1984 according to the content of “IDENTI.ITA” Distributed by : ATARI international (Italy) Inc. Viale della Liberazionne, 18 – 20124 Milano Dump: Download – Source Atarinside – .Pro format (with protection log) – Boot without « Option » key (Basic enabled). Notes: Translation of European Countries and Capitals – CX4114 (tape) (1980)
The title on the cover is “Stati e capitali d’Europa” but “Paesi e capitali di Europa “on the loading screen 🙂 Othertranslations :
French : Pays et Capitales d’Europe – CX 4114 (tape) (198?)
Benelux : Europese Landen en Hoofdsteden – TXN 4114 (tape) (198?)
Germany : Europäische städte und länder – TXG 4114 (tape) (1980)
Tips: It was 1984, 5 years before the fall of the Berlin wall, so you’ll have to distinguish “GERMANIA EST” and “GERMANIA OVEST”, Yugoslavia had different borders… : We were still in the cold war.