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Macro Assembler - DXG 8126Ein Muß für jeden ASSEMBLER-Programmierer. Durch die Developer : Mike Lorenzen for MEDIT (uncredited by Atari) The version is “ATARI Macro Assembler Ver 1.0A” (as found in AMAC file). The french version was released in 1980, the german one in 1981. The original disk is is formatted with DOS 2.0s and protected with bad sectors : All other versions (USA, Italy) included also the Text-Editor in the same box but the french one – Macro Assembleur – CX 8121 D and this german one which where sold in separate boxes (Assemble-editeur CXL 4003 for France and Programm Text Editor – DXG 20075 for Germany. If we look at the directory from the included DOS, we only see AMAC ans SYSTEXT. Since the floppy is write protected from factory, it’s interesting to see (with ATR Tool) that the directory included the Text-Editor before being deleted by Atari Germany : Other translations :
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