Invito a programmare 1


Invito a programmare 1 - CXT 4101

Impara il BASIC sul tuo ATARI: il linguaggio di
programmazione più semplice, spiegato punto per
punto in forma interattiva con grafici e tabelle sul
video e spiegazioni sulla pista audio del tuo
registratore ATARI.
In questa prima parte un’introduzione ai concetti
fondamentali della programmazione e del BASIC;
nell’INVITO A PROGRAMMARE 2 e 3 lezioni più
impegnative, esercizi, grafica e suono ATARI…

Developer : Unknown, translated in Italian by Team 4, Modena
Date : 1984 (according to cover)
Distributed by: Unknown  (probably ATARI Italy but there is no mention on the box)
Dump: Download ( 💡 huge file – 541 Mb ) Source Atarinside – Two .Wav files in stereo for datas+music/lesson.
The box is smaller and different than the standard european plastic boxes.
Why did ATARI Italy choose to change the “GOTO” instruction with “GO TO” during the lessons (see screenshots) ? Same thing in the Deutsch version. French version kept “GOTO”. Both works anyway 🙂
How to run : Load .Wav in your emulator (Altirra), boot to Basic, CLOAD and RUN. Enable Cassette SIO Patch if you don’t want to wait.
Other translations :
French : Initiation à la programmation en BASIC (cours n°1) – CX 4101 C (tape) (1980)
Deutsch : Programmieren leicht gemacht – TXG 4110 (tape) (1983)
Benelux : Programmeren…Hoe doe je dat ? deel 1 – TXN 4101 (tape) (1983)

Media Type Country Doc


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