Initiation à la programmation en BASIC (cours n°2)


Initiation à la programmation en BASIC (cours n°2) - CX 4106 C

Ce logiciel est le deuxième programme de la série « Initiation à la Programmation en BASIC ».
Il comporte deux cassettes, accompagnées d’un manuel qui permettent de se familiariser avec le fonctionnement de votre ordinateur et les structures d’un programme.
Une voix enregistrée vous aidera à maîtriser rapidement les instructions telles que : PRINT, DIM, INPUT, IF/THEN, GOTO, FOR/NEXT, STEP, etc… ainsi que PEEK et POKE, qui donnent l’accès direct à la mémoire de votre ordinateur.
Lorsque vous aurez acquis les connaissances de base de la programmation en BASIC, vous découvrirez dans « L’initiation à la Programmation en BASIC III » toutes les instructions permettant d’exploiter pleinement les capacités sonores et graphiques de votre ordinateur.

Developer: Unknown
Date : 1980 according to cover, 1981 according to booklet.
Distributed by: P.E.C.F. ATARI 9-11 rue Georges Enesco 94008 CRETEIL CEDEX.
DumpDownload ( 💡 huge file – 1.18 Gb )  –  Source Atarinside – 4 .Wav files in stereo for datas+lessons.
 . Each files tested and 100% working with Altirra 2.80. If you don’t want to download the files, you can just watch the youtube videos below.
Both sides of the tapes contains datas and voice :
The voice is recorded on both L/R channels while datas are only on the right channel.
The original quality is very poor : I don’t know what to blame between the quality of the tape, the original master or the original recording tools but the Atari failed to load programs quite often:

Each side has been restored using 3 original tapes recorded at 3 differents audio levels each sometimes 2 or 3 times until each program can be “Cloaded”.

  • Side A : The first lesson is missing some “stop” marks on the data channel to synchronize the voice and the program. This marks told the Atari if it should show the next screen or stop the tape while waiting for an answer.
    It seem nobody at Atari had tested it before selling it ! The fact is that the resulting lesson was incomprehensible and unusable .
    I’ve added the missing marks so, for the fisrt time, you’ll be able to use the tape 36 years after, as it should have been ! 🙂
  • Side B is correctly synchronised.
  • Side C is sometimes labelled “D” : (and “D” is of course labelled “C”).
    This side had also 3 synchronization problems on lesson 1, 2 and 6 and were unusable. I had to repair it removing one superfluous synchronization marks for each program.
  • Side D is correctly synchronised.

Imagine this conversation in 1980 :

  • “Hey Nolan, we have a big quality problem at the tape factory, in the last release we have reversed the C and D labels, i think we’ll have to destroy everything.”
  • “What ? Hum…Not a big deal anyway, anything else ? “
  • “Well…yes…We had another problem with the masters : On side A the first lesson and also on side C, lessons 1,2 and 6 are unusable because of some voice/data synchronizations problems, we’ve made crap on this one”.
  • “Ok but let me think…It’s for France, who cares ? Sell it anyway, $150 ! muhahaha!”

The tools i used to restore the tapes are Altirra, a8cas and Audacity.

The major encountered problem were :

  • Keeping synchronization between the words of the lessons and the screens of the basic programs.
  • The fact that for a same side, basic programs (datas) are not recorded at the same audio level.
  • Sometimes Altirra loads the program with C: SIO PATCH but not without it. And the opposite is also true. The goal was to make it load with or without SIO patch. That’s why i’ve replaced all the data tracks with restored ones.

47 hours of work were necessary for the 2 tapes so i hope you will appreciate it 🙂

Side A : An unknown man is speaking for the first 4 lessons and a woman for the last one.
Side B : An unknown woman is speaking.
Side C : In fact the side D is sometimes labelled C ! An unknown man is speaking.
Side D : An unknown woman is speaking.

Price :
150 F (summer 1985) Camif Catalogue été 1985 (P.280)

Media Type Country Doc


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