Dieses Programm stellt eingegebene Werte wahlweise als
Säulen- oder als Kreis-Segment-Graphiken dar. Darüber
hinaus konnen Sie 2- oder 3-dimensional Funktionen auf dem
Bildschirm erscheinen lassen. Bestimmte Karrenz-Werte
lassen sich über Cursor und Steuerknüppel abrufen.
Developer: Original developer of the US release (CX4109): Lane Winner (uncredited). / Howard D. Siebenrock
According to source code (REM at line 0):
Side 1 of Tape 1 (“Graphit II -2D”): ENHANCMENTS BY HOWARD SIEBENROCK / REV 1.3 11-13-81 (Yes, including the typo at “ENHANCMENTS” ! 😉 )
Side 2 of Tape 1 (“Graphit II -3D”): ENHANCED BY HOWARD SIEBENROCK / REV 1.3 11-15-81
Side 1 of Tape 2 (“Balken – und Kreisdiagramme”): GRAPH IT BAR-PIE REV 0.1 7-5-80 / ENHANCED BY HOWARD SIEBENROCK REV. 1.3 11.13.81
Side 2 of Tape 2 (“Polardastellung”): GRAPH POL:REV 0.3 9-25-80 / ENHANCED BY HOWARD SIEBENROCK VES. 1.3 11-14-81
Date: 1981 according to cover and source code, 1983 according to booklet. Distributed by: ATARI Elektronik Vertriebs GMBH, Bebelalee 10 – 2000 Hamburg 60 Dump:Download – Source Atarinside – .Cas for sides 1, 2, 3 and .Wav format for side 4 (There is some additional datas recorded at the end of tape 2/side2 that can’t be saved as a cas file). Notes: Translation and enhancement of “Graph IT” – CX4109 – USA. Atariwiki reports that another release was also made for Germany with a different source code of “GRAPH IT BAR-PIE” in 1982. How to run: Load .CAS or .WAV in your emulator (Altirra), boot to Basic, CLOAD and RUN. Enable Cassette SIO Patch if you don’t want to wait. Other translations : USA : “Enhancements to Graph It” – APX 20074 – 1982
Italy : “Grafica – DXT 4109 – 1984”
Rendering comparison (“Graphit II -3D” – side 2 of tape 1):