ATARI – Atari Italy – Silver/White plastic boxes – Full reference list

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#TitleCart20floppy-diskTapeRef. #In my collection
Affretatti / CapovoltoxCXT 9501no
Archiviatutto (L')xCXT 0415x
Assembler EditorxCXLT 4003no
AtariWriterxDXT 8036x
Aufgepasst / Battaglia degli insettixCXT 5710 no
BioritmixCXT 4107no
Boccone / Frecce indicatriccixCXT 9502 no
Cara Caramella / CaosxCXT5706no
Disk FixerxDXT 5729no
Golf / Le travi gemellexCXT9503no
GraficaxDXT 4109x
I conti di casaxCXT 0421x
Invito a programmare 1xCXT 4101x
Invito a programmare 2xCXT 4106no
Invito a programmare 3xCXT 4117no
Macro Assembler e Text EditorxCX 8121no
Microsoft BASIC IIxAXT 2025no
ScramxDXT 4123 no
Stati e capitali d'europaxDXT 4114x
StatisticaxxDXT 4103no
UFO / Velocci come il fulminexCXT 5711no
Utility 1xDXT 5725no
Utility 2xDXT 5726no

Dernière mise à jour le 2024-12-14 15:01:14

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